Title: Abbot of Eynsham
Alternate names/spellings: the Grammarian, Grammaticus, the Homilist
Dates: 955 - 1020 (Dates are approximate. )
Aelfric was a Benedictine monk perhaps from Wessex, abbot of Eynsham, and one of the most prolific Anglo-Saxon authors. He is most well-known for his Catholic Homilies, three series of sermons in Old English arranged according to the church year, which were widely read, and was also the author of Bible translations, commentaries, hagiography, treatises on grammar, and letters.
More information:
- "Catholic Encyclopedia":http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01171b.htm
- "Wikipedia":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86lfric_of_Eynsham