Title: Saint
Alternate names/spellings: Chira Offreduccio
Dates: 1194 - 1253 (Dates are approximate. )
Clare of Assisi, born into a well to-do family as Chiara Offreduccio, was inspired by the preaching of Francis of Assisi to escape from her family’s house to enter the Benedictine monastery of San Paolo delle Abbadesse under Francis’ care. After seeing her tonsured hair and realizing her commitment to the monastery and Francis, Clare’s family disowned her. Shortly thereafter, Francis had Clare moved to the Monastery of Sant’Angelo di Panzo nearby San Damiano outside Assisi. Eventually, her sisters Catherine and Beatrice, her mother Ortolana, and her niece Balbina also joined Claire’s Order of Poor Ladies, based at Sant’Angelo di Panzo. Gaining papal recognition for the Order and its Franciscan way of life was a life-long struggle for Clare; she was finally able to obtain the Privilege of Poverty and full approval for the Order, known as the Poor Clares, in 1253.
For additional information, see:
Joan Mueller, Clare’s Letters to Agnes, Texts and Sources (St. Bonaventure, NY: St. Bonaventure University, 2001)
- "Catholic Encyclopedia":http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04004a.htm
Resources: ALIM (Archivio della latinità italiana del Medioevo)