Title: Countess of Toulouse, countess of St. Giles, once countess of Boulogne, and called queen of England
Alternate names/spellings:
Dates: 1124 - 1176 (Dates are approximate. )
Constance, daughter of Louis VI of France and Adelaide of Savoy, and sister of Louis VII of France, was first married to Eustace, count of Boulogne, son of King Stephen of England (grandson of Adela of Blois). He died before succeeding to the throne. A year later, in 1153, Constance married Raymond V, count of Toulouse; they had five children, and the marriage was annulled in 1166 due to consanguinuity. Her five letters to her brother, Louis VII, King of France, address issues such as the release of hostages and pleas to the King for financial support.
For further information, see:
- Ferrante, Joan M. "Constance, Countess of Toulouse":http://epistolae.ccnmtl.columbia.edu/woman/3.html