
Alternate names/spellings:

Dates: 1363 - 1434 (Dates are approximate. ) 

Christine de Pizan was born in Venice in 1363 but moved to Paris at the age of five when her father was appointed as an astrologer to King Charles V. She married at the age of fourteen but was widowed only ten years later with three children. She turned to writing as a means to support her family. She was greatly involved in the literary debate known as the “Querelle du Roman de la Rose,” which debated the depiction of women in Jean de Meun’s the "Romance of the Rose." Her most well-known works are The Book of the City of Ladies and The Treasure of the City of Ladies, or The Book of the Three Virtues. She died in Paris in 1434. TLM

Resources: Christine de PizanARTFL ProjectDigital Scriptorium