Project Status: Ongoing

A collection of online resources about Christine de Pizan, including links to digitized manuscripts and incunabula, out-of-copyright modern editions of her work (in the original French as well as English translation), and scholarly societies, projects, and websites devoted to Christine.

Resource details:

Resource Type: CatalogImagesList FormatManuscripts/FacsimilesPortal/GatewayText: MedievalText: Modern

License: Must provide creditNo FeeOut of copyright

Modern Language: English

Language of Modern Translation: English

Medieval content details:

Dates: 1400 - 1430

Subject: ChivalryCourtly LoveFamily, Children, MarriageGenderNobility, GentryRoyalty, MonarchsWomen

Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Advice, Instructional TextsAllegoricalArt and ArtifactsBiography, MemoirsComedy, SatireDidacticLetters, PetitionsLiteratureMaterial EvidenceProseTextual EvidenceTreatisesVerse

Geopolitical Region: EuropeFrance

Original Language: FrenchMiddle French (14-15C)

Medieval Creators: Christine de Pizan