Project Status: Ongoing
A searchable digital library of Christian texts in English translation, drawn from out- of-copyright editions. Texts are readable online, or downloadable as an ePUB, .pdf, or .txt. Each text also includes a brief summary and information about the author and edition. Searchable by title, author, scriptural passages, etc.., but not by date or period.
Resource details:
Resource Type: Downloadable data, E-book, Teaching Resources, Text: Medieval
License: Must provide credit, No Fee, Out of copyright
Modern Language: English
Language of Modern Translation: English
Medieval content details:
Dates: 100 - 1600
Includes texts into the modern period.
Subject: Apocalypticism, Christology, Church Fathers, Clergy, Confession, Penance, Conversion, Ecclesiology, Eschatology, Heretical, History, Mariology, Mendicants, Monasticism, Monks, Moral, Ethics, Mysticism, Nuns, Papacy, Piety, Priests, Bishops, Canons, Reform, Religion - Institutional Church, Sacramental, Saints, Scriptural Exegesis, Theology, Trinitarian, Women Religious
Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Commentary, Gloss, Exegesis, Devotional, Doctrinal, Hagiography, Religious Texts, Rules, Scripture, Sermons, Orations, Textual Evidence, Treatises
Geopolitical Region: Africa, British Isles and Ireland, Europe, France, German Lands, Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Low Countries, Middle East
Original Language: Greek, Hebrew, Latin
Includes hundreds of medieval authors, including Augustine, Jerome, Aquinas, Anselm of Canterbury, Bonaventure, Bernard of Clairvaux, and many others, as well as theologians from the 17th-20th centuries.