Link: http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de/gaeste/grotefend/grotefend.htm
Project Status: Complete
A digitized (HTML) version of Hermann Grotefend’s Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 2 Bde, Hannover 1891-1898, a dictionary of saints that also reproduces Calendars of feast days from many different regions and religious orders. The site divides the book into the forward (Vorworte), System (explaining the structure of the church year and feasts), glossary of Latin terms, a directory of saints (Heiligenverzeichniss), tables (Tafeln), calendar (Kalendar), and abbreviations (Abkürzungen), all of which are cross referenced via link. Also provides a calculator (Rechner) for movable feasts, indictions, and many others.
Medieval content details:
Dates: 476 - 1492
Subject: Clergy, Monasticism, Piety, Religion - Institutional Church, Saints
Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Liturgy
Geopolitical Region: Europe
All regions of Europe covered
Original Language: German