Project Status: Ongoing
Using geodatabases with multiple data layers, the Atlas allows user to simultaneously track multiple aspects of Roman and medieval civilization in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Includes archaeological sites, natural resources, epidemics and disease, immigration, and the spread of monasticism, among many others. The site also includes a searchable Zotero bibliography, a list of map sources, and the DARMC Scholarly Data Series for the databases used in the making of the Atlas, which are downloadable as .xlsx.
* National History Day Selected Resource *
Resource details:
Resource Type: Bibliography, Downloadable data, Map, Searchable Bibliography, Text: Modern
License: Must provide credit, No Fee
Modern Language: English
Medieval content details:
Dates: 1 - 1500
Subject: Agriculture, Archaeology, Asiatic Nomads, Byzantium, Carolingians, Clergy, Conversion, Crafts, Industry, Crusades, Death, Burial, Early English Studies, Early Germanic Peoples, Economy, Education, Universities, Landscape, Natural History, Maritime, Material Culture, Mendicants, Monasticism, Monks, Muslims, Islam, Nuns, Plague, Disease, Priests, Bishops, Canons, Religion - Institutional Church, Towns, Cities, Trade, Travel, Pilgrimage, Vikings, War
Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Architecture, Art and Artifacts, Castles, Cathedrals, Churches, Ceramics, Pottery, Coins, Landscape, Material Evidence, Monasteries
Geopolitical Region: Africa, British Isles and Ireland, Eastern Europe, Europe, France, German Lands, Greece, Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Low Countries, Middle East, Scandinavia