Project Status: Complete

This web site deals with any and all aspects of the general topic “animals in the Middle Ages”, though there is an emphasis on the manuscript tradition, particularly of the bestiaries, and mostly in western Europe. The subject is vast, so this a large site, with well over 3000 pages, and perhaps the best way to explore it is to just wander around. The various pages making up the site are extensively linked; any text appearing in this blue color is a link (except for that one!). You can also click the green arrows at the top and bottom of each page; these will take you from one section to the next, or to the next page in a series. If you get lost, click the  button on any page to return to the table of contents. If you are interested in bestiary manuscripts, start wil the section on the manuscript families, which will link you to various other pages of interest. If you want to learn about a particular animal, start with the Beasts pages. If you are looking for something in particular, try the site search. For more help in navigating the site, click the green  on any page.

Informal articles, opinionated reviews, and irreverent comments on the bestiary genre can be found in the bestiary blog, Chimaera.


(Please note: this resource has not been updated since 2011, including the bibliography)

Medieval content details:

Dates: 300 - 1600

Subject: AnimalsArtManuscript Decoration/IlluminationManuscript Studies

Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Art and ArtifactsManuscriptsMaterial Evidence

Geopolitical Region: Europe

Original Language: Latin