Project Status: Ongoing
Searchable database of the manuscripts held at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in the Departement des Manuscrits and the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, some with links to digitized versions of the manuscripts. Database includes full descriptions of manuscripts and bibliographical information, as well as incipit and explicit. Useful collections which include digitized manuscripts in the Departement des Manuscrits may also be browsed under various original languages as well as Catalogues thématiques (Cartes médiévales and Carolingiens).
Resource details:
Resource Type: Images, Manuscripts/Facsimiles, Searchable Database
License: Must provide credit, No Fee
Modern Language: French
Medieval content details:
Dates: 700 - 1600
Subject: Carolingians, Chivalry, Church Fathers, Classics, Humanism, Clergy, Courtly Love, Crusades, History, Law, Manuscript Studies, Medicine, Music, Nobility, Gentry, Papacy, Philosophy, Theology, Piety, Political Thought, Reform, Religion - Institutional Church, Royalty, Monarchs, Saints, Science, Mathematics, Scriptural Exegesis, Theology
Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Advice, Instructional Texts, Biography, Memoirs, Chronicles, Annals, Commentary, Gloss, Exegesis, Compendia, Dictionary, Glossary, Grammar, Genealogy, Heraldry, Hagiography, Literature, Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medical Works, Music, Religious Texts, Rules, Scripture, Sermons, Orations, Textual Evidence, Treatises
Geopolitical Region: British Isles and Ireland, Europe, France, German Lands, Italy, Low Countries