Link: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/
Project Status: Ongoing
A digital library and index of primary and secondary sources and British and Irish history resources, which currently (Jan. 2016) contains material from over 1,250 printed volumes. Also provides digitized versions of guides and calendars held at the National Archives at Kew, and historic maps, including the 19th-century Ordnance Survey. Augmented by scholarly born-digital resources like browsable datasets compiled from taxes, references to medieval market privileges, and central courts such as the Court of Common Pleas. Also includes useful subject guides to local, parliamentary, urban, and religious history with essays and bibliography. A small amount of content is restricted to subscription holders.
* National History Day Selected Resource *
Resource details:
Resource Type: Catalog, Images, Manuscripts/Facsimiles, Map, Searchable Database, Text: Medieval, Text: Modern
License: Institutional License, Must provide credit, No Fee
Modern Language: English
Language of Modern Translation: English
Medieval content details:
Dates: 1000 - 1600
Focuses on the period 1300-1800, but also has many materials before and after this period.
Subject: Agriculture, Civil Law, Clergy, Crafts, Industry, Crime, Early English Studies, Economy, Education, Universities, Food and Drink, Gender, Government, Guilds, Labor, History, Landscape, Natural History, Law, Manuscript Studies, Maritime, Material Culture, Monasticism, Monks, Nobility, Gentry, Peasants, Piety, Plague, Disease, Poverty, Charity, Priests, Bishops, Canons, Prosopography, Recreation, Entertainment, Religion - Institutional Church, Revolt, Royalty, Monarchs, Seals, Social Groups, Towns, Cities, Trade, War, Women
Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Accounts, Chronicles, Annals, Council Proceedings, Minutes, Courts, Genealogy, Heraldry, Legislation, Letters, Petitions, Maps, Plans, Material Evidence, Membership Lists, Surveys, Taxes, Wills, Inventories
Geopolitical Region: British Isles and Ireland
Includes many primary sources on London, Ireland, Scotland,, and Wales, as well as access to most early volumes of The Victoria County Histories (VCH) of England.
Original Language: Anglo-Norman, English, Latin