Project Status: Complete
From the website:
The Italian Paleography website presents 102 Italian documents and manuscripts written between 1300 and 1700, with tools for deciphering them and learning about their social, cultural, and institutional settings. The site includes: digitized images of 102 manuscripts and documents; T-Pen, a digital tool to actively transcribe manuscripts and documents;
transcriptions and background essays for each item; a selection of calligraphy books and historical manuscript maps; a handbook of Italian vernacular scripts; additional resources, including a glossary, list of abbreviations and symbols, dictionaries, and teaching materials.
Resource details:
Resource Type: Bibliography, Dictionary/Glossary, Images, Manuscripts/Facsimiles
License: Creative Commons, No Fee
Medieval content details:
Dates: 1300 - 1700
Subject: General reference, Manuscript Studies, Material Culture, Paleography
Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Art and Artifacts, Manuscripts, Material Evidence, Textual Evidence