Project Status: Complete
An informational site that provides descriptions of and guide to the holdings of the Archivio Segreto Vaticano (ASV) and its publications, including a history of the archive and procedures for consultation or requests for photographic or digital reproductions of any holdings. Descriptions of the major projects are accompanied by images of representative manuscripts. The downloadable guide lists the over 600 different collections, but not individual manuscripts of their contents.
Resource details:
Resource Type: Catalog, Images, List Format, Manuscripts/Facsimiles, Modern, Text: Modern, Video
License: No Fee
Modern Language: English
Medieval content details:
Dates: 500 - 1600
The collections cover all periods up to the twentieth century.
Subject: Diplomatics, Manuscript Studies, Papacy
The collections contain all documentation about the history of the papacy and its associated Vatican institutions (diplomatic, economic, legal, theological, etc..), as well as archives from aristocratic families, councils and synods, monasteries, religious orders, and lay groups associated with the papacy.
Type/Genre of Medieval Primary Source Material: Manuscripts
Geopolitical Region: Africa, Europe, Middle East
The collections cover all regions of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.
The manuscripts in the collections are in all medieval languages, but especially Latin.
The collections cover a very large range of authors.